MAPSAT GPS NAV SYSTEMLOGOThe idea of my logo has come from research into other navigational systems. Seeing that it is pretty much a luxury item for the mad techi, gadget type person I used the Freshbot font, a computer/techinical looking font for the name.
Mapsat is the name of my navsystem and is short for a satellite maping system. The linesthrough the logo is the longitude and latitude lines. And the cordinates I have used is the actual location of Temora – where the system was designed of course.
COLOURSThe colours I used on the box were chosen because through my research into maping/travel direction and street directories on the web, the common colour is green. Therefore, I chose a lime green with the white to give it a fresh look.
The idea of my box has come from an old archive box I had from my old job. I liked the design of it as it is very sturdy and solid. I also liked the idea of having a box that did not require any glue or tape to keep it together (which makes it a bit greener). I measured the original archive box and then halfed the size to scale. YES, I did measure all of it and I redrew the lot. The only thing I would change is the GSM of the board to make it stronger.
MAGAZINE AD and CONCEPTThe mag ad concept was actually from experience. An interesting trip to Sydney with some family, where no map was used and we were all a bit frazzled when we finally arrived at our destination TWO HOURS late. The drivers comment was “It’s OK, we just took the scenic route”.
Last Christmas a nav system was given to the family and the passegers have commented how easy it was to get everywhere now. YAY everyone happy.
In the use of the emotion empathy, I chose to draw two people in a car showing the frustration people feel, when they get lost. (Most people can empathise with this situation). And the positive outcome you can have by purchasing the MAPSAT. The bottom image is to give a happy image that people will arrive at their destination hassle free.